


"Devoted, Dynamic, Determined, and Destined for Greatness are terms often used to describe the anointed and timely ministry of Jerome L. Williams. On August 4, 1983, in Dallas, Texas he was born to two Godly parents. At the age of eight (8), Jerome decided to accept Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior and was baptized at Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist church under the leadership of Pastor Terry L. White.

In the Fall of 2015, Jerome acknowledged and announced his call to the Gospel preaching ministry. He preached his initial sermon at twenty-two (22) year old at the Household of Faith Christian Church (Dallas, TX) under the pastoral leadership of his father, Rev. David W. Williams, Sr. Having the desire to be theologically sound and biblically competent, Jerome enrolled into Southern Bible Institute (Dallas, TX) where he received an Associate of Arts degree in Biblical Studies (2011). 

In October 2016, Jerome L. Williams graduated from Faith International University (Tacoma, WA) with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion. Jerome is currently a graduate student at Dallas Baptist University. He has a unique charge for connecting the Christian's social responsibility to our fellow man. He is very passionate about teaching and preaching the prophetic Word of God, instructing people, and reaching the unchurched and untouched of today in sound doctrine. 

Jerome L. Williams is married to Brittney L. Williams. They are the proud parents of four beautiful children. 

Although blessed with many achievements, accomplishments, and accolades, his life's mission statement can be summed up in the words of the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:28-29, "Him we proclaim, warning everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." (ESV)




Rev. Kim Anding


Rev. Gregory Hamilton


Rev. Charles Jones


Rev. Grady McQuinney


Rev. Lacey Sims

Chairman of Deacons

Deacon Andrew Gregg